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1 - The Principles and Practice of Nephrology by Jacobson, Striker & Klahr : Chapter 146 Dosing regimens in renal disease. Brater DC. Tables 146-2 to 146-5. B.C. Decker Inc., 1991.

2 - Textbook of nephrology third edition by Massry & Glassock : Section 9: Management of the uremic state: Table 84.11. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1995.

3 - Clinical Dialysis third edition by Nissenson, Fine & Gentile : Clinical dialysis - Drug usage in dialysis patients: Tables 34-11 to 34-14. International Edition, 1995.

4 - Replacement of renal function by dialysis fourth revised edition by Jacobs, Kjellstrand, Koch & Winchester : Drug dosage in dialysis patients . 29 . Golper TA, Marx MA, Shuler C, Bennett WM. Tables 11 to 20. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.

5 - The Kidney fifth edidtion by Brenner & Rector : Management of the patient with renal failure . 60 . Shuler C, Golper TA and Bennett WM . Prescribing drugs in renal disease. W.B. Saunders, 1996.

6 - Poison Index, the treatment of acute intoxication by Seyffart G. 4. Edition. PABST Science Publishers 1997.

7 - Poisoning & Toxicology Compendium by Leikin JB,  Paloucek FP. APhA - Lexi-comp 1998.

8 - Drug record discrepancies in an outpatient electronic medical record: frequency, type, and potential impact on patient care at a hemodialysis center. Manley HJ, Drayer DK, McClaran M, Bender W, Muther RS. Pharmacotherapy. 2003 Feb;23(2):231-9.

9 - Update on psychotropic medication use in renal disease. Cohen LM, Tessier EG, Germain MJ, Levy NB. Psychosomatics. 2004 Jan-Feb;45(1):34-48.

10 - Guides de prescription des médicaments chez le patient insuffisant rénal - ICAR : GPR antihypertenseurs 1ere édition (2002), GPR Insuffisance cardiaque 1ere édition (2004), GPR antibactériens 2è édition (2005), GPR antiviraux 3è édition (2007), GPR anticancéreux 3è édition (2005) - Méditions International.

11 - Drug prescribing in renal failure fifth edition by Aronoff GR, Bennett WM, Berns JS, Brier ME, Kasbekar N, Mueller BA, Pasko DA, Smoyer WE. American college of Physicians Philadelphia, 2007.

12 - The Renal Drug Reference Guide (First Edition), Cervelli MJ (B.Pharm). MJC Pharma, Adelaide, 2007.

13 - Drug dosing adjustments in patients with chronic kidney disease. Munar MY, Singh H. Am Fam Physician. 2007 May 15;75(10):1487-96.

14 - Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Data. A Concise Guide. Third Edition. Hammett-Stabler CA, Dasgupta A. AACCPress, Washington 2007.

15 - Drug removal by plasmapheresis: an evidence-based review by Ibrahim RB, Liu C, Cronin SM, Murphy BC, Cha R, Swerdlow P, Edwards DJ. Pharmacotherapy 2007; 27(11): 1529-49.

16 - Compendium AGIM 1998 – 2008.

17 - Dialysis of drugs by Johnson CA. Amgen Canada Inc. 2008.

18 - Use of hemodialysis and hemoperfusion in poisoned patients. Holubek WJ, Hoffman RS, Goldfarb DS, Nelson LS. Kidney Int. 2008 Nov;74(10):1327-34.

19 - Altered nonrenal drug clearance in ESRD. Nolin TD. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2008 Nov;17(6):555-9.

20 - Martindale thirty-sixth edition - The complete drug reference edited by  Sweetman SC. The pharmaceutical press, 2009.

21 - Compendium Medex-Medasso, 2009.

22 - The Renal Drug Handbook (Third Edition), Ashley C, Currie A, UK Renal Pharmacy Group. Radcliffe Publishing Oxford, New York, 2009.

23 - Psychotropic drugs and renal failure: translating the evidence for clinical practice. Baghdady NT, Banik S, Swartz SA, McIntyre RS. Adv Ther. 2009 Apr;26(4):404-24.

24 - Use of antibacterial agents in renal failure by Gilbert B, Robbins P, Livornese LL. Infect Dis Clin N Am Dec. 2009; 23: 899-924.

25 - Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology (Fourth Edition). Floege J, Johnson RJ, Feehally J : Principles of Drug Therapy, Dosing and Prescribing in Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Replacement Therapy. Cervelli MJ, Russ GR; Pages 871-893. Elsevier Saunders, St Louis, 2010.

26 - Dialysis in the poisoned patient. Bayliss G. Hemodial Int. 2010 Apr;14(2):158-67.

27 - Effects of intensive blood-pressure control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. ACCORD Study Group, Cushman WC, Evans GW, Byington RP, Goff DC Jr, Grimm RH Jr, Cutler JA, Simons-Morton DG, Basile JN, Corson MA, Probstfield JL, Katz L, Peterson KA, Friedewald WT, Buse JB, Bigger JT, Gerstein HC, Ismail-Beigi F. N Engl J Med. 2010 Apr 29;362(17):1575-85

28 - Continuous renal replacement therapy does not have a clear role in the treatment of poisoning. Kim Z, Goldfarb DS. Nephron Clin Pract. 2010;115(1):1-6.

29 - Drug renal toxicity. Karie S, Launay-Vacher V, Deray G, Isnard-Bagnis C. Nephrol & Therap. 2010; 6(1): 58-74.

30 - Seyffart's Directory of Drug Dosage in Kidney Disease. Seyffart G. Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle. Munich 2011.

31 - Pharmacotherapy - A Pathophysiologic Approach, 8th Edidtion by JT.Dipiro & all. Chapter 48: Drug Theray Individualization in Patients with Hepatic Disease. Lam YWF;  pages 705-710. Chapter 57: Drug Therapy Individualisation for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Matzke GR; pages 861-872. Mc Graw Hill Medical, New York, 2011.

32 - Drugs and the liver. Edited by Penny North-Lewis. Pharmaceutical Press, London, 2011.

33 - Prescribing medications in patients with decompensated liver cirrhosis. Amarapurkar DN. Int J Hepatol. 2011;2011:519526.

34 - Opioid and benzodiazepine use in end-stage renal disease: a systematic review. Wyne A, Rai R, Cuerden M, Clark WF, Suri RS. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Feb;6(2):326-33.

35 - Use of antibacterial agents in renal failure by B.Gilbert, P.Robbins, L.L.Livornese. ÝMed Clin North Am. 2011 Jul; 95(4):677-702.

36 - Therapeutics in Kidney Disease. Challenges, Innovations, Opportunities. Arya V, Pfister M, Nolin TD. J Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Jan;52(Suppl 1):1S-140S.

37 - Agents anti-infectieux et fonction rénale: vers des posologies sur mesure ? [Antimicroblal agents and renal elimination: towards individual dosage adjustment?]. Willi-Robatel C, Senn L, Livio F, Zanetti G, Marchetti O, Buclin T. Rev Med Suisse. 2012 Apr 25;8(338):894-900.

38 - Répertoire commenté des médicaments C.B.I.P. 1998 – 2013.

39 - The Sanford Guide to antimicrobial therapy 1998 – 2013.

40 - KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease. Chapter 4: Other complications of CKD: CVD, medication dosage, patient safety, infections, hospitalizations, and caveats for investigating complications of CKD. Kidney Int Suppl. 2013 jan;(3):S91-111.

41 - Medications and therapeutic apheresis procedures: are we doing our best? Ibrahim RB, Balogun RA. J Clin Apher. 2013 Feb;28(1):73-7.

42 - KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) CKD Work Group. Kidney Int suppl. 2013;3:1-150.

43 - Review article: prescribing medications in patients with cirrhosis - a practical guide. Lewis JH, Stine JG. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Jun;37(12):1132-56.

44 - Dose adjustment in patients with liver cirrhosis: impact on adverse drug reactions and hospitalizations. Franz CC, Hildbrand C, Born C, Egger S, Rätz Bravo AE, Krähenbühl S. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Aug;69(8):1565-73.

45 - Renal Pharmacotherapy. Dosage Adjustment of Medications Eliminated by the Kidneys. Golightly LK, Teitelbaum I, Kiser TH, Levin DA, Barber GR, Jones MA, Stolpman NM, Lundin KS. Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013.

46 - Safety of medical therapy in patients with chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease. Weir MR, Fink JC. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2014 May;23(3):306-13.

47 - Pharmacokinetic considerations in chronic kidney disease and patients requiring dialysis. Velenosi TJ, Urquhart BL. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2014 Aug;10(8):1131-43.

48 - Prescription of potentially inappropriate medications to elderly hemodialysis patients: prevalence and predictors. Kondo N, Nakamura F, Yamazaki S, Yamamoto Y, Akizawa T, Akiba T, Saito A, Kurokawa K, Fukuhara S. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015 Mar;30(3):498-505.

49 - Chronic liver injury induced by drugs: a systematic review. Stine JG, Chalasani N. Liver Int. 2015 Nov;35(11):2343-53.

50 - A Randomized Trial of Intensive versus Standard Blood-Pressure Control. SPRINT Research Group, Wright JT Jr, Williamson JD, Whelton PK, Snyder JK, Sink KM, Rocco MV, Reboussin DM, Rahman M, Oparil S, Lewis CE, Kimmel PL, Johnson KC, Goff DC Jr, Fine LJ, Cutler JA, Cushman WC, Cheung AK, Ambrosius WT. N Engl J Med. 2015 Nov 26;373(22):2103-16.

51 - Adherence with renal dosing recommendations in outpatients undergoing haemodialysis. Kim GJ, Je NK, Kim DS, Lee S. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2016 Feb;41(1):26-33.

52 - Intensive vs Standard Blood Pressure Control and Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes in Adults Aged ≥75 Years: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Williamson JD, Supiano MA, Applegate WB, Berlowitz DR, Campbell RC, Chertow GM, Fine LJ, Haley WE, Hawfield AT, Ix JH, Kitzman DW, Kostis JB, Krousel-Wood MA, Launer LJ, Oparil S, Rodriguez CJ, Roumie CL, Shorr RI, Sink KM, Wadley VG, Whelton PK, Whittle J, Woolard NF, Wright JT Jr, Pajewski NM; SPRINT Research Group. JAMA. 2016 Jun 28;315(24):2673-82.

53 - Renal Drug Dosing. Effectiveness of Outpatient Pharmacist-Based vs. Prescriber-Based Clinical Decision Support Systems. Vogel EA, Billups SJ, Herner SJ, Delate T. Appl Clin Inform. 2016 Jul 27;7(3):731-44.

54 - Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Control on Gait Speed and Mobility Limitation in Adults 75 Years or Older: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Odden MC, Peralta CA, Berlowitz DR, Johnson KC, Whittle J, Kitzman DW, Beddhu S, Nord JW, Papademetriou V, Williamson JD, Pajewski NM; Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) Research Group. JAMA Intern Med. 2017 Apr 1;177(4):500-507.

55 - BP Reduction, Kidney Function Decline, and Cardiovascular Events in Patients without CKD. Magriço R, Bigotte Vieira M, Viegas Dias C, Leitão L, Neves Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 Jan 6;13(1):73-80.

56 - Néphrotoxicité médicamenteuse [Drug nephrotoxicity]. Izzedine H. Nephrol Ther. 2018 May;14(3):127-134.

57 - Introduction to Nephropharmacology for the Clinician: A New CJASN Series. Nolin TD, Perazella MA. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 Jul 6;13(7):1083-1084.

58 - Clinical Pharmacokinetics in Kidney Disease: Fundamental Principles. Lea-Henry TN, Carland JE, Stocker SL, Sevastos J, Roberts DM. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 Jul 6;13(7):1085-1095.]

59 - Clinical Pharmacokinetics in Kidney Disease: Application to Rational Design of Dosing Regimens. Roberts DM, Sevastos J, Carland JE, Stocker SL, Lea-Henry TN. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 Aug 7;13(8):1254-1263.

60 - Clinical Pharmacodynamics: Principles of Drug Response and Alterations in Kidney Disease. Keller F, Hann A. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 Sep 7;13(9):1413-1420.

61 - Use of extracorporeal treatments in the management of poisonings. Ghannoum M, Hoffman RS, Gosselin S, Nolin TD, Lavergne V, Roberts DM. Kidney Int. 2018 Oct;94(4):682-688.

62 - Clinical Pharmacogenomics: Applications in Nephrology. Adams SM, Crisamore KR, Empey PE. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 May 23.

63 - Medication Safety Principles and Practice in CKD. Whittaker CF, Miklich MA, Patel RS, Fink JC. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 Nov;13(11):1738-46.

64 - Pharmacology behind Common Drug Nephrotoxicities. Perazella MA. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 Dec;13(12):1897-908.

65 - Utility of Electronic Medical Record Alerts to Prevent Drug Nephrotoxicity. Martin M, Wilson FP. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2019 Jan;14(1):115-123.

66 - Antibiotic Dosing in Chronic Kidney Disease and End-Stage Renal Disease: A Focus on Contemporary Challenges. Vilay AM. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2019 Jan;26(1):61-71.

67 - Management of Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease. Pugh D, Gallacher PJ, Dhaun N. Drugs. 2019 Mar;79(4):365-379.

68 - Dose recommendations for anticancer drugs in patients with renal or hepatic impairment. Krens SD, Lassche G, Jansman FGA, Desar IME, Lankheet NAG, Burger DM, van Herpen CML, van Erp NP. Lancet Oncol. 2019 Apr;20(4):e200-e207.

69 - Clinical Pharmacology of Antihypertensive Therapy for the Treatment of Hypertension in CKD. Sinha AD, Agarwal R. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2019 May 7;14(5):757-764.

70 - Drugs in renal disease and pregnancy. Sarwar A. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2019 May;57:106-119.

71 - Clinical Pharmacology Considerations in Pain Management in Patients with Advanced Kidney Failure. Davison SN. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2019 Jun 7;14(6):917-931.

72 - EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines: Drug-induced liver injury. European Association for the Study of the Liver. Electronic address:; Clinical Practice Guideline Panel: Chair:; Panel members; EASL Governing Board representative:. J Hepatol. 2019 Jun;70(6):1222-1261.

73 - Clinical Pharmacogenomics: Applications in Nephrology. Adams SM, Crisamore KR, Empey PE. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018 Oct 8;13(10):1561-1571.

74 - Extracorporeal Removal of Poisons and Toxins. King JD, Kern MH, Jaar BG. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2019 Sep;14:(9):1408-15.

75 - Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Data. A Concise Guide. Fourth Edition. Dasgupta A, Krasowski MD. Academic Press Elsevier London 2020.

76 - Toxicology for Nephrologists. Harbord N. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2020 Jan;27(1):1-82.

77 - Fundaments of Toxicology—Approach to the Poisoned Patient. Ornillo C, Harbord N. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2020 Jan;27(1):5-10.

78 - Adverse Drug Reactions in Patients with CKD. Laville SM, Gras-Champel V, Moragny J, Metzger M, Jacquelinet C, Combe C, Fouque D, Laville M, Frimat L, Robinson BM, Stengel B, Massy ZA, Liabeuf S; Chronic Kidney Disease-Renal Epidemiology and Information Network (CKD-REIN) Study Group. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020 Aug 7;15(8):1090-1102.

79 - Comparative Efficacy and Safety of BP-Lowering Pharmacotherapy in Patients Undergoing Maintenance Dialysis: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials. Shaman AM, Smyth B, Arnott C, Palmer SC, Mihailidou AS, Jardine MJ, Gallagher MP, Perkovic V, Jun M. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2020 Aug 7;15(8):1129-1138.

80 - Medication Reconciliation: The Foundation of Medication Safety for Patients Requiring Dialysis. Frament J, Hall RK, Manley HJ. Am J Kidney Dis. 2020 Dec;76(6):868-876.

81 - KDIGO 2021 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Blood Pressure in Chronic Kidney Disease. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Blood Pressure Work Group. Kidney Int. 2021 Mar;99(3):S1-S87.

82 - Drug prescription in patients with chronic kidney disease: a true challenge. Liabeuf S, Laville M. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021 Mar;36(3):385-386.

83 - International prescribing patterns and polypharmacy in older people with advanced chronic kidney disease: results from the European Quality study. Hayward S, Hole B, Denholm R, Duncan P, Morris JE, Fraser SDS, Payne RA, Roderick P, Chesnaye NC, Wanner C, Drechsler C, Postorino M, Porto G, Szymczak M, Evans M, Dekker FW, Jager KJ, Caskey FJ; EQUAL Study investigators. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021 Mar;36(3):503-511.

84 - A Clinician's Guide to Dosing Analgesics, Anticonvulsants, and Psychotropic Medications in Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy. Bouajram RH, Awdishu L. Kidney Int Rep. 2021 Aug6(8):2033-2048.

85 - Principles of Kidney Pharmacotherapy for the Nephrologist: Core Curriculum 2021. Vondracek SF, Teitelbaum I, Kiser TH. Am J Kidney Dis. 2021 Sep;78(3):442-458.

86 - Advances in Onconephrology, Part 1. Gudsoorkar P, Sise ME, Jhaveri KD.. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2021 Sep;28(5):391-508.

87 - Executive summary of the KDIGO 2021 Guideline for the Management of Glomerular Diseases. Rovin BH, Adler SG, Barratt J, Bridoux F, Burdge KA, Chan TM, Cook HT, Fervenza FC, Gibson KL, Glassock RJ, Jayne DRW, Jha V, Liew A, Liu ZH, Mejía-Vilet JM, Nester CM, Radhakrishnan J, Rave EM, Reich HN, Ronco P, Sanders JF, Sethi S, Suzuki Y, Tang SCW, Tesar V, Vivarelli M, Wetzels JFM, Lytvyn L, Craig JC, Tunnicliffe DJ, Howell M, Tonelli MA, Cheung M, Earley A, Floege J. Kidney Int. 2021 Oct;100(4):753-779.

88 - Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Patients With CKD: Core Curriculum 2022. Hahr AJ, Molitch ME. Am J Kidney Dis. 2022 May;79(5):728-736.

89 - Drug-Induced Acute Kidney Injury. Perazella MA, Rosner MH. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2022 Aug;17(8):1220-1233.

90 - Diabetes management in chronic kidney disease: a consensus report by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). de Boer IH, Khunti K, Sadusky T, Tuttle KR, Neumiller JJ, Rhee CM, Rosas SE, Rossing P, Bakris G. Kidney Int. 2022 Nov;102(5):974-989.

91 - Executive summary of the KDIGO 2022 Clinical Practice Guideline for Diabetes Management in Chronic Kidney Disease: an update based on rapidly emerging new evidence. Rossing P, Caramori ML, Chan JCN, Heerspink HJL, Hurst C, Khunti K, Liew A, Michos ED, Navaneethan SD, Olowu WA, Sadusky T, Tandon N, Tuttle KR, Wanner C, Wilkens KG, Zoungas S, Craig JC, Tunnicliffe DJ, Tonelli MA, Cheung M, Earley A, de Boer IH. Kidney Int. 2022 Nov;102(5):990-999.

92 - International Consensus Guideline for Anticancer Drug Dosing in Kidney Dysfunction (ADDIK). Sandhu G, adattini J, Armstrong Gordon E, O Neill N, on behalf of the ADDIKD Guideline Working Group. 2022. eviQ, Cancer Institute NSW. St Leonards, Australia.

93 - Diabetes Management in Chronic Kidney Disease: Synopsis of the KDIGO 2022 Clinical Practice Guideline Update. Navaneethan SD, Zoungas S, Caramori ML, Chan JCN, Heerspink HJL, Hurst C, Liew A, Michos ED, Olowu WA, Sadusky T, Tandon N, Tuttle KR, Wanner C, Wilkens KG, Craig JC, Tunnicliffe DJ, Tonelli M, Cheung M, Earley A, Rossing P, de Boer IH, Khunti K. Ann Intern Med. 2023 Mar;176(3):381-387.

94 - Pharmacokinetic relevance of glomerular hyperfiltration for drug dosing . Zoccali C, Mallamaci F, De Caterina R. Clin Kidney J. 2023 Oct;16(10):1580-1586.

95 - Fixed-Dose Combination Therapy for Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in CKD: An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis. Sepanlou SG, Mann JFE, Joseph P, Pais P, Gao P, Sharafkhah M, Roshandel G, Yusuf S, Malekzadeh R. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2023 Nov;18(11):1408-1415.

96 - Kidney Stone Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Management: Core Curriculum 2023. Shastri S, Patel J, Sambandam KK, Lederer ED. Am J Kidney Dis. 2023 Nov;82(5):617-634.

97 - Onconephrology: Core Curriculum 2023. Yarandi N, Shirali AC. Am J Kidney Dis. 2023 Dec;82(6):743-761.

98 - Drugs with a negative impact on cognitive function (Part 1): chronic kidney disease as a risk factor. Liabeuf S, Pešić V, Spasovski G, Maciulaitis R, Bobot M, Farinha A, Wagner CA, Unwin RJ, Capasso G, Bumblyte IA, Hafez G; CONNECT Action (Cognitive Decline in Nephro-Neurology European Cooperative Target). Clin Kidney J. 2023 Dec;16(12):2365-2377.

99 - Drugs with a negative impact on cognitive functions (Part 2): drug classes to consider while prescribing in CKD patients. Hafez G, Malyszko J, Golenia A, Klimkowicz-Mrowiec A, Ferreira AC, Arıcı M, Bruchfeld A, Nitsch D, Massy ZA, Pépin M, Capasso G, Mani LY, Liabeuf S; CONNECT Action (Cognitive Decline in Nephro-Neurology European Cooperative Target). Clin Kidney J. 2023 Dec;16(12):2378-2392.

100 - Acute kidney injury associated with nephrotoxic drugs in critically ill patients: a multicenter cohort study using electronic health record data. Yasrebi-de Kom IAR, Dongelmans DA, Abu-Hanna A, Schut MC, de Lange DW, van Roon EN, de Jonge E, Bouman CSC, de Keizer NF, Jager KJ, Klopotowska JE; RESCUE Study Group. Clin Kidney J. 2023 Dec;16(12):2549-2558.

101 - Advances in the management of chronic kidney disease. Chen TK, Hoenig MP, Nitsch D, Grams ME. BMJ. 2023 Dec 5;383:e074216.

102 - Executive summary of the KDIGO 2024 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease: known knowns and known unknowns. Levin A, Ahmed SB, Carrero JJ, Foster B, Francis A, Hall RK, Herrington WG, Hill G, Inker LA, Kazancıoğlu R, Lamb E, Lin P, Madero M, McIntyre N, Morrow K, Roberts G, Sabanayagam D, Schaeffner E, Shlipak M, Shroff R, Tangri N, Thanachayanont T, Ulasi I, Wong G, Yang CW, Zhang L, Robinson KA, Wilson L, Wilson RF, Kasiske BL, Cheung M, Earley A, Stevens PE. Kidney Int. 2024 Apr;105(4):684-701.

103 - Toxic Nephropathies of the Tubulointerstitium: Core Curriculum 2024. Krishnan N, Moledina DG, Perazella MA. Am J Kidney Dis. 2024 May;83(5):659-676.

104 - Drugs with a negative impact on cognitive functions (part 3): antibacterial agents in patients with chronic kidney disease. Liabeuf S, Hafez G, Pešić V, Spasovski G, Bobot M, Mačiulaitis R, Bumblyte IA, Ferreira AC, Farinha A, Malyszko J, Pépin M, Massy ZA, Unwin R, Capasso G, Mani LY; CONNECT Action (Cognitive Decline in Nephro-Neurology European Cooperative Target). Clin Kidney J. 2024 Aug;17(8):sfae174.

105 - Aging and chronic kidney disease: epidemiology, therapy, management and the role of immunity. Tang Y, Jiang J, Zhao Y, Du D. Clin Kidney J. 2024 Sep;17(9):sfae235.

106 - Slowing the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Using Four Pillars of Therapy: The Time to Act is Now. Georgianos PI, Vaios V, Koufakis T, Liakopoulos V. Drugs. 2024 Sep 11. [Epub ahead of print]

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